About Origin I Alliance
Alternative Media for Purposeful Living.

Our senses are the avenues through which we perceive the world. If these senses are deceived, perception is stifled, thus robbing it of its ability for moral distinction; demoralized to the extent that perception is rendered incapable of differentiating between right and wrong.

Our mission:

To illuminate the state of our planet by providing alternative media where values affirming human dignity, human rights and the integrity of creation are nurtured, protected and promoted.

We believe:

* The universe favors and supports the just, the honest, the magnanimous and the virtuous, even though it may sometimes appear otherwise on the surface.

* Humanity is as strong and secure as its weakest and most vulnerable member and that the strength of civilization is derived from a myriad of higher virtues, reflected through positive interaction with the rest of creation.

* People of understanding have the moral maturity to filter the images and information the choose to receive and convey, thus aligning themselves with the universal symphony of creation.

* Well-being requires balance in nurturing our spiritual, mental, and physical needs.

* In the absence of ethics there is no aesthetics.

* True faith inspires a deep reverence for life, love for the living, care for the environment, and an unwavering commitment to social justice.

* Purification of the self leads to a vision that sees through and beyond the limitation of material world.

* What we really have is the moment. The present (moment) is a present (gift) from the Omnipresent (the Divine). Seize it, use it. Neither abuse it, nor lose it; for what we do with the moment is what we do with our life.

We are committed:

* To inspire action and to encourage purposeful living by re-examining aspects of our social environment in ways that delve beneath the surface. As we look beyond the outer appearances of our individual, social, political, economic and environmental world, in order to encounter new levels of reality where alignment with universal higher values will lead to liberation and fulfillment beyond the limitations of the material world.

* To educate and explore positive solutions to the issues of media disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda onslaught, under the disguise of education, entertainment, peace, progress and other ideas and values.

* To neither be a victim of injustice, nor a perpetrator thereof, and never a bystander to it.

* To transform any descent into an ascent.